My Paisan! We strive to serve those in need, our members, and the wider San Antonio and global Italian community.
Propagating Italian Culture
Our organizations founding mission remains the same. Join us for community events, assist your neighbors, help the needy, learn to cook Italian cuisine, and learn new skills / games (speak Italian, learn to play Bocce, Backgammon, and Briscola!
Italian Language Lessons
From beginner to native speaker, come learn Italian with our great community of elders to infants and everything in between. Remember, if a 4th grader can do it, so can you!
Jan 2024 - Italian Classes: Hybrid - In-person / Web-based learning.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
When our ancestors arrived in San Antonio, the Italian Hall served as means to assist arriving immigrants to find a place to live, work, and learn the English language. Today, we extend our hall to you and your loved ones who would like to learn, practice, and improve their language.
Italian Citizenship through Jury Sanguine
Italy passed a 1992 law allowing people to claim Jure Sanguinis.
The 555/1912 Law gave a chance to apply for Italian Citizenship by descent. You will need all Birth Certificates (starting from your Italian Ancestors), death, and marriage certificates. You will also need Certificates of Naturalization Records or No Records in addition to have documents translated and apostilled. The Italian Society has excellent relations with the Italian Consulate in Houston to assist with this process.
Volunteer Opportunities
San Francesco di Paolo is known for his charitable works (Charitas).
Our community was built because our people came together to work as team. At some point or another everyone needs a helping hand. Find deep fulfillment helping the needy, providing friendship to the lonely, and comfort to the grieving. Build character, learn new skills, and find your purpose.
Read speech given at San Francesco Dedication on September 9th, 2023.